XIX International Scientific Conference WISENT RETURNED TO JANOWSKIE FORESTS, 2022


European Bison Friends Society would like to invite you to the XIX International Scientific Conference about wisents on September 8th -9th, 2022 in a hybrid mode: on-site in Janów Lubelski and online.

There will be the nineteenth international meeting devoted to wisent. The conference will be held in Janów
Lubelski. In this city there is an avenue of the Heroes of Porytowe Hill, the place of the greatest partisan
battle. On this hill, on June 14th, 1944, partisans defeated a ten times larger German army.

The conference is organized jointly with the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Janów Lubelski Forest District, and apart from the scientific purpose, it serves to exchange experiences and discuss current problems in the field of wisent conservation and breeding.





We invite you to register for the XXI International Scientific Conference “WISENT IN THE ROMINCKA FOREST”, organized on September 5-6, 2024. All information is available at https://konferencja.smz.waw.pl/ The conference this year  will take place at the Lupus hotel in Gołdap, a town with health resort status. Gołdap lies on the border of three territories of... Read more

Development of European Bison Conservation Newsletter

We have started the process of preparing the European Bison Conservation Newsletter in order to include it on the list of journals indexed in the SCOPUS database. The new website of the journal is available at http://ojs.wisent.org/ Since 2008, the European Bison Conservation Newsletter was published annually in connection with international conference devoted to European... Read more

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